Warning: This fic contains nuts (and was written by some too) It was an anachronism of the highest order. Other people just called it the state of Connecticut. And somewhere out there, a Sailormoon author by the name of Sean Gaffney was sitting in front of his computer, listening to the cutesy, upbeat name-callings of Daphne and Celeste's "Ooh Stick You." Leaning back in his chair, a black leather fedora on his head, he decided it was once again time to be Sean Gaffney pretending to be a reincarnated elephant Hannibal used to cross the Alps pretending to be himself. So just who was Sean Gaffney? [Cue the token plot exposition bit...which is the most unimportant part, of course. So let's just skip it then.] Sean: --;; [impatiently tapping his foot] "Excuse me, but I'm not going any further with this scene unless I get some biography time on myself." His lordship Chaos: [eyeroll] "Authors." [Cue the token filler bit as Excel from the Anime 'Excel Saga' leaps out from behind a convenient curtain!] Excel: ^-^ "Hai, Il Palazzo-sama!!! Right, OK, Sean is this author of fanfics only he doesn't just write Sailor Moon like Todd or Chaos or even one or two series like Greenbeans but he writes for a whole ton of anime and he makes them all dark and depressing and Ukyou fans want to kill him for his Ranma fics, and Urd fans get mad at his Ah My Goddess fics--" His lordship Chaos: [sweatdrop!] "Do you even breathe, woman?" Excel: "--and Miaka fans for his Dirty Pair fic, even though she's from Fushigi Yuugi, cause he likes to add a few pointless cameos so he can pretend his fics are funny instead of just pointless angstfests and did I mention that he has a Maison Ikkoku fic where the stars murder everyone, and let's not forget his Ranma fic where Ranma has mind-control powers and rapes the cast, that's a real winner--" [The hentaific's resident grammar check starts to smoke from Excel's run-on sentence from hell!] His lordship Chaos: o.O; "Woah! Excel, slow down! This is a 'no smoking' lemon here...well, not until after the coitus, anyways." Excel: [still going!] "--and he's written a Nadesico fic that's almost a lesbian fic but not quite, and a Slayers fic that's almost a lesbian fic but not quite, and a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic that definitely IS lesbian, and I think it's starting to turn into an obsession, and he even wants to write a lemon with me and Hyatt, which is just SICK, because nothing could ever tear me away from the love of Il Palazzo, and did I even mention--" [Sean abruptly pulls a cord, and Excel falls through a trapdoor. A loud splash is heard from below.] Sean: "OK, skip the bio. Nobody knows me, I'm the wind, baby." His lordship Chaos: [???] "Where did that trapdoor come from?" "Boredboredbored," Sean sighed, twirling around in his chair. "Amanda's off with Elf and Austin again, Lara's at Wing Night. I have no one to talk to now. What could I possibly do to unproductively while away the time?" What indeed? Knit a quilt? Unplug the toaster on his way out? Channel the spirit of a cabbit?! "Why not, half of IRC does it every night," Sean chuckled. It was just then that Sean realized he was standing in a shadow that really shouldn't have been there in his room. He lifted his head and gawked at the sight of a woman with long silvery-white hair hovering above him, a key-shaped staff in one hand and a whip in the other. "What the?" he muttered, panicked to say the least. Just what was Ifurita-Pluto doing here? And just what was she doing here with her whip?! And what about Scarecrow's brain?!?! What, you were expecting something that would actually contribute to the general integrity of the plot? Boy, are you readers a gullible lot. Anyhoo, Ifurita-Pluto aimed her power staff at Sean, the orb glowing as it gathered energy. Sean's first question was just how a fictitious character could defy the 4th Wall and be floating near his ceiling. He then half-expected to be deatomized where he sat, but unexpectedly the blast Ifurita-Pluto unleashed sent a small, metal projectile shooting towards Sean. He glanced down at the floor as the canister burrowed its nose into his carpet, smoke rising from the sleek metal body. Written on the side in blatant English were the words OPEN ME. Not exactly sure why he should indulge the intruding canister, but not exactly wanting to be at the receiving end of Ifurita-Pluto's whip either, Sean edged closer to the midget missile. Unscrewing the base of the projectile proved to find that it had a hollow casing. Tucked neatly inside was a pair of very posh sunglasses. Wondering if this was some odd new advertising ploy, Sean carefully removed the shades from the casing and then placed them on his face. To the casual reader the sunglasses were ordinary. But as Sean placed them over his eyes, a number of small computer-generated images appeared on the interior of the tinted lenses. Once his retinal ID was cleared, an all too familiar voice was heard. "Kon'nichi wa, Sean. Your fanfic, should you choose to accept it, is to write a sequel to the lemon parody 'Pretty Fly (For A Hentai)'. You can blackmail any two authors in the ASMR library into assisting you in your operation, but it is imperative that one of those co-authors be her." A small viewing window appeared in the left lens, revealing the face of a female author Sean recognized very well. It was Greenbeans. "Given the rampant stupidity of the first 'Pretty Fly' fic, we'll need her name in the credits to entice the SM fans to actually read this turkey of a sequel. You are to track her down within the next five pages after the disclaimer, find a way to recruit her, and then come to the Dead Moon Circus bar to meet me for the details of your assignment." "Will Fisheye be dubbed and female?" Sean wondered aloud, then resumed listening. "I know what you're thinking: 'It will be difficult to coerce any self-respecting author, let alone a bean, into co-authoring a lemon parody.' Well, Mister Gaffney, this isn't a Fanfic: Difficult, it's a Fanfic: Impossible. 'Difficult' should be about as easy as they come." "Pardon the ecchi pun," Sean quipped. "As always, if you or any member of your Impossible Fanfic team is caught or flamed, this author will disavow any knowledge of your perverted actions." "Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence," Sean remarked to the automated message. "And next time," His lordship Chaos' voice added, "please have someone other than Excel do your bio. I enjoy having cameo Anime babes who actually breathe between sentences." His lordship Chaos' voice was replaced with a pleasant feminine voice that stated, "These sunglasses will self-destruct in five seconds. You cannot exchange or return them for a refund." Sean sighed as he removed the shades from over his eyes. "The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades." He then paused. "Nah, let's think Bright Lights, Big City." He grinned, tossing the sunglasses over his shoulder. However, he had forgotten to close the window, and the glasses bounced right back into his lap. Sean: o.O;; [Cue the overblown special effects explosion and nifty CG opening title!] STILL PRETTY FLY (FOR A HENTAI) A ludicrous lemon sequel run amok Rated R (Ridiculously perverted) Just when you thought it was safe to fill your bathtub with Jello, here it comes! No, not the Senshi (just be patient though), but the fanfic. Despite the loud protests to stop the perverted insanity, we've completely disregarded all common sense and created a sequel to "Pretty Fly (For A Hentai)"! Yes indeed, in this sort of fic everyone shall get their just desserts...and they're all lemon-flavoured! MWAH HAH HA HAH HA HA!! Armed with a completely new set of authors and cliches to abuse at our leisure, we have set out boldly screw up what everyone else has screwed before. Namely the Senshi. You ever have come across one of those wondrous stories which lifted your spirits, captivated your imagination, and so dully inspired you? Well, odds are this won't be one of them. In fact, if this inspires you to do anything else other than groan and bang your head repeatedly against the keyboard, we'll be just as surprised as you. Lovingly prepared, fondled and gift-wrapped for your protection, Sean Gaffney, Greenbeans, Todd Foster and His lordship Chaos present something that Naoko Takeuchi will no doubt hurt us for if she ever learns how to read English. Like all good disclaimers, we should state that this fic is not be taken with other prescription medication. We are not responsible for broken brains or payment for therapy sessions brought on by this fic. And we should also warn you that if you don't read this fic...we'll shoot this daimon!! NASCAR Daimon: "Steering!!" Sean: "Chaos, you idiot, no one's going to miss a daimon if we kill it." His lordship Chaos: --;; "You do realize you just ruined the only dramatic tension this fic has." Sean: "Well, aside from the whole horror movie vibrator-monster-thing plot...." His lordship Chaos: [???] "Our fic has that?" Sean: [holding up a script] "I read this. It kinda helps a story along." His lordship Chaos: ^-^ "I knew I had forgotten something when we started working on this!" NASCAR Daimon: "Steering!!" Authors: "Oh, shut up." Sean: "Cue the gratuitous nekkid flashes!" [Cue a naked 10 year-old Chibiusa reclining on a couch!] Chibiusa: ^_- "Hai hai!" His lordship Chaos: o.O;; "She's not wearing any clothes!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Sean: [stumbling around & covering his eyes] "Why? Why was I written to feel pain?!" His lordship Chaos: ;_; "The humanity! Oh, the humanity!!" Mamoru: ^^v [leaping onto the scene] "Now this is a lemon--and a Senshi--I could get into!" Elios: [irately stomping onto the scene] "Hold it right there, Tux-boy. You've hogged her enough in the lemon world--and you're her dad to boot!" Mamoru: >p "In your dreams, hornhead." Elios: "They're wet dreams, I'll have you know! Beautiful wet dreams too!" Mamoru: "Oh yeah? Well my rod born of love's bigger than that pithy little unicorn stump on your head! How do you expect to satisfy her with that?" Elios: "It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!" [As the two guys fight over a still nekkid Chibiusa, the two authors stand back with very unamused expressions on their faces.] His lordship Chaos: [aside to Sean] "This can't get any worse than Peruru from the SuperS movie exclaiming, 'She did it! Sailormoon's penetrated the Black Dream Hole!' when there was no rampant lesbianism in the movie whatsoever." Sean: "Except for 'Being an adult makes it more fun', which has the Outers 69ing written all over it." His lordship Chaos: "But was that featured in the flick? Noooo! Not even in an omake theatre." Mamoru: "Ha! You don't even rank in the same category with me, Elios. It's a well-known fact that in lemons, I can get any Senshi I want. I've got mojo, baby!" Elios: [pointing to his forehead] "Oh yeah?! Well we both know who's always been the horniest character in the series!" [Cue the facevaults!] Sean: --;; "Maybe we should just shoot all three of them. Ne, Chaos, just where did you put that enchanted rocket launcher of love and justice? His lordship Chaos: [shrug!] "I left it in my other fuku. Hang on, maybe I can get us out of this intro bit and into Mako-chan's underwear--er, the plot! The plot! That's what I meant to say!" Sean: "Chaos, getting into Mako-chan's panties *is* the plot. This is a lemonfic!" His lordship Chaos: ^^v "And isn't it wonderful thing?" Mamoru: [grabbing Chibiusa's left thigh] "She's mine!" Elios: [grabbing Chibiusa's right thigh] "No, she's mine!" Chibiusa: "Boys, boys, you can both have me." Sean: [ack!] "What's so wonderful about this?! Can somebody cue a naughty tentacle or six to drag these idiots away?" [Suddenly hordes of naughty tentacles spill out from somewhere off-screen! They wrap around Mamoru, Elios and Chibiusa and drag the three characters away...but not before said tentacles perform a really smashing chorus line routine as Dance Dance Revolution plays in the background.] His lordship Chaos: [blink blink!] "Tentacle of the Dance?" Sean: --;; "Eat your heart out, Michael Flatley." [As they watch the spectacle, Sean abruptly gawks in disbelief and tilts his head sideways in trying to ponder some really wrong geometry angles. His lordship Chaos just leans back in stunned surprise.] His lordship Chaos: "Aiya. When they say 'name us one orifice we haven't violated', they really do mean it." Sean: [sweatdrop!] "Oh, those wacky oversexed demons." * * * You ever have one of those wild, all-weekend Anime marathon parties where you wake up Monday morning, only to find yourself handcuffed to Sailor Tin Nyanko on a spaceship bound for Kinmoku? Well...neither has this narrator, but it's the thought that counts! Not that thought is really required for reading a hentai anyways. Anyhoo, somewhere off in the wilds of Oregon, where the wild coffee tables roam and the sacred Tonberry plushies come home every spring to roost, a bean was busy working away at her prized computer (affectionately dubbed 'Yggdrasil'). As she sat, the bean continued to find inspiration for the next thrilling and character-driven chapter of her latest fanfic. Yet this was no mere bean. She did occasionally jump around--but that doesn't mean one should automatically assume she was Mexican. Neither was she a has-bean, for she was (as stated earlier) finding inspiration for the next thrilling and character-driven chapter of her latest fanfic. Sean: [from somewhere in the audience] "Anyone ever notice how lemons tend to get utterly redundant after a while?" His lordship Chaos: "Shhh! You're detracting from the immanent sex. And quick hogging all the popcorn!" How could such a bean find inspiration for the next thrilling and character-driven chapter of her latest fanfic? Why, just as any good author could: listening to Anime music soundtracks! What? You readers were expecting something ecchi? Perverts. What kind of a fic is this, where you think we'd feature one of Sailormoon fanfiction's most beloved authors surfing the nude photo galleries of her favourite Senshi? Oh, wait a minute...this is a lemon parody, isn't it? Very well, then. Carry on with the rampant nekkid flashes! Greenbeans giggled, quickly dabbing at the drool at the corner of her mouth with her chibi-Haruka bib. Her prized BYTE ME shirt thusly protected, she clicked on another picture. But her closet hentai moment was abruptly broken...along with her door, as Sean Gaffney kicked it open and dramatically leapt inside. He grabbed his handheld microphone from its nearby stand (narrator's note: don't ask) as a spotlight shone down on him. Energetic violin music started up, courtesy of Michiru standing in the background. "Amanda Anderson, also known as the SM author/goddess Greenbeans," Sean whispered, pointing at the unaware bean, "has just had the other person in this scene replaced with a horny Haruka who wants to strip down in front of her. Let's see if Greenbeans notices the difference." Haruka: [sweatdrop!] "You make me sound like I'm made of delicious Folgers' Crystals." Michiru: ^^v "And since we are what we eat, then I would be YOU by morning, love. Or else Folgers' Crystals." Greenbeans glanced over her shoulder at the commotion, only to be met with Haruka Ten'ou in a very feminine and very revealing bunny-suit leotard (complete with a kawaii bunny ear hairband) standing there. When presented with such a scene so full of ecchi potential and the chance to act upon her fantasies...she turned back to the computer screen. "Gomen," she said, clicking on another picture. "I'm in a Final Fantasy VIII obsession right now. I want my Quistis-chan." Sean scowled at the cold reception. "So you don't want to join our lemon-fresh crew, do you? Well we have ways of making you write a hentaific." He turned to the Outer Senshi. "Haruka, time to play hardball!" "Hai!" Haruka cheered. She quick changed into a baseball jersey (and just the jersey) and slyly turned a baseball cap around backwards. "C'mon Beanie, slide into home," she purred. Greenbeans glanced over at the player Haruka, and then back to the computer. "Since my team isn't in the playoffs, baseball season is over." She then waved a hand at the air whilst giggling, "Instruct me!" Just Sean refused to give up the perv without a fight. "She's not responding. Haruka, lose another layer of clothing and show her your present!" Haruka quick changed again, this time wearing a single layer of wrapping paper over her birthday suit. With a candle carefully balanced on her head she tried to entice the bean into blowing her out. Or just blowing her. Again, Greenbeans paid her little attention. "My berfday isn't until April, and yours isn't until January." Becoming frustrated, Sean decided to go with the familiar. "Perhaps Haruka simply isn't packaged properly," he said with a smirk. The Senshi changed once more, this time wearing nothing more than a layer of bubble wrap. "Pop me," she invited. That got the author to raise an eyebrow with intrigue. There was some unidentifiable aspect of bubble wrap that prompted people to take it up in their hands and squeeze the li'l bubbles. Sean wasn't above using that to draw the bean into the fic. With an admirable amount of willpower, Greenbeans shook off the lure of the bubble wrap and went back to her computer. "I can get all the bubble wrap and packing peanuts that I want at work." Sean groaned in frustration. "Alright, Haruka, if she won't come along peacefully...lose the wrap!" Haruka gave a deliberate cough and reached out her hand to Sean. He in turn fished out a few thousand Yen of bribe money. "I had better get reimbursed for this later," he muttered. Upon receiving her gratuity fee, Haruka then slowly removed her entire wrap. All that remained was a pair of thong panties. Sean: ^^v "And how about that? No tanline!" But then it appeared Michiru couldn't hold back any longer, and before Sean could start taking bets from the audience as to whether or not Haruka had a racing stripe--and we're not referring to the car, people!--Michiru grabbed her lover and flung Haruka onto the couch. Clothes starting flying. Fingers started feeling! Rampant lesbianism once again needed no excuses!! It's good to be alive and narrating this lemon!!! But Sean just stared at their tangle of arms, legs and fanservice with a blank look on his face, impatiently tapping his foot. A few times he glanced down at his watch. "Well at least someone's getting served in this fic," he remarked. "Beanie, aren't you even going to see what all the moaning is about?" Greenbeans shrugged. "I've done my time with Sailormoon, leave me to Final Fantasy VIII for a while." Sean grimaced at her phrasing. If anyone, she would have done Haruka by now. With an exasperated sigh, Sean walked over to the couch. "Haruka, could you get your face out of Michiru's cleavage for a minute and listen to me?" He abruptly rolled his eyes. "No, not the two-way strap-on! We don't have time for that. At least do it on the floor where you have a chance of catching Amanda's attention!" Sean shook his head at this lack of stimulust-response. On the bright side, at least someone was happy with the fanservice, given Michiru's enthusiastic thrusting and all. "We'll have to bring out the big guns," he stated, nodding to himself. Haruka: "Which means?" Sean: "Fanservice from another source!" [Cue a nude Quistis (direct from the FFVIII game!) in a tub filled with whipped cream!] Greenbeans' head snapped around, giving her a severe case of whiplash in the process. But that was soon forgotten as her li'l authoress eyes fixated on the blonde SeeD instructor. Yet the bean stuck by her impeccable self-resolve and highly respected reputation...for about two seconds. Greenbeans: ^-^ [diving into the tub with Quistis!] "Hotcha!" Sean: [sigh!] "This is really starting to get ridiculous." * * * Life was kinda dragging on for fanfic author Todd Foster. Once again racked with an evil bout of writer's block, he feared Sailor Skuld's impending mallet should he still delay the release of the next chapter of his Circles of Time story. But writing an exotic and memorable fanfic takes time, and Todd certainly took his work seriously. It was his responsibility to give the rabid otaku fans out there something provocative and thoughtful. To dig deep into their characters, peel back the layers, and reveal the real issues that all of the readers of SM fanfiction were wanting to explore: namely, just where do they hide their henshins sticks anyways? Todd stared at his computer screen as he pondered this, an ecchi grin on his face. "Oh, Todd," a sexy voice abruptly sounded. Todd pulled himself away from the monitor and looked over at the door. And standing in his doorway was one Aino Minako, dressed in nothing but a pair of white lace panties. At the risk of stating the obvious, Todd completely freaked. Certainly to get a plot twist like this, he must have done something good in a previous fic. But Todd couldn't imagine what that must have been, so he was now stuck with a cute li'l blonde wrinkle in the plot that he really didn't want to steam press. Todd rubbed his eyes, thinking this was all some weird dream. Therein implied no more "Doji and donuts" marathons for him in the future. On the other hand, he wasn't speaking Japanese and had yet to find English subtitled hovering above the floor. Minako-chan reached up and caressed her bosom. "You like?" He nodded enthusiastically--until he realized the horrid truth. Evidently if he wasn't writing the story, he wasn't an author avatar. And without that self-inserted God complex, it could only mean one thing: he was an expendable extra! Todd immediately grabbed his trusty wiffle bat, ready to take down any evil plot devices that might be lurking. At the very least, if Minako was this under-dressed, he didn't have to worry about having a pure heart that might get ripped out by the Witches 5. "Come here, Todd-chan," the blonde Senshi coaxed, crooking her finger at him. "Minako wants to play with you." He vehemently shook his head, bravely fending her off with his swivel chair. Yet when presented with a scantily-clad Anime babe before him, his inner otaku tried to glomp onto her. "Must...resist...urge...to grope," he managed to say through clenched teeth, clinging ardently to his swivel chair. "Ecchi guys in Anime always get throttled when they do that." Minako-chan giggled as she bounced around the room, causing her breasts and ass to move oh so invitingly. And Todd just looked ridiculous as he tenaciously clung to his chair, fighting the forces of hentai. And losing too, given how he was slowly wheeling himself towards Minako. "Now then," Minako said as she came around behind Todd and began to sensually caress his T-shirt. "I'm here to tell people a little bit about yourself." Now this wasn't what usually went on in a hentai. Character development and plot exposition were always a big no-no. A sweatdrop appeared next to Todd's head as he looked back at Minako. "You taunt me with your negligee, only to do a biography on me?" "Let's see," she began. "Todd Foster is twenty years old, stands five feet nine inches tall. Has dirty-blond hair with a mind all its own. He also has blue eyes and wears glasses. And adding to the appearance of being several years older are a beard and mustache, which give him a rugged look." She leaned her head forward and gave him a questioning look. "Am I right so far?" "Say what?" Todd asked, having missed every word she just said as he was concentrating on her genki bosoms. After all, authors had to know every inch of the character they were writing about. And if it meant having to get up close and personal with Minako's cleavage for a better story, then it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. Minako continued to strut her Senshi stuff, demonstrating how she was definitely too sexy for this idiotic--er, brilliant example of sensual fanfiction. "His hobbies are: street hockey, volleyball, badminton, computers, and Anime. Sailormoon being his favorite. He prefers his women with blond hair and blue eyes. A fit athletic build is preferred with medium sized breasts that fit nicely in his hands." Todd looked down at his hands, and test-groped the air. "Yep, that sounds about right," he admitted. "His favorite Senshi is...ME!" Minako-chan exclaimed as she struck a pose. "Turn-ons include slightly submissive women who are tied up, revealing negligee, and skimpy outfits. He also enjoys reading hentai stories, usually of the tentacle variety." Todd: o.O;; She giggled as she started dancing around, making her chest move in mesmerizing ways. Although he resisted as best he could, Todd's head swung in synch with her bosoms. "Oh, yeah," Minako-chan added. "Almost forgot. He couldn't get a date to save his life." Todd instantly facevaulted. "Oh, that was just uncalled for. You're going to pay for that!" However, his clever knowledge of wiffle bat martial arts was abruptly stopped by the ultimate counter-technique: fanservice! Before any one of you reading this could say, "Stop squeezing the lemon, I've got a papercut!" Minako ripped off her thong and threw it to the floor...revealing a rather unexpected piece of anatomy. Todd's eyes bugged out upon seeing what evidently wasn't a strap-on. And taking that as his cue, Artemis quickly started up a tape which began playing the theme song to "The Crying Game." Todd recoiled across the room, clinging to wall as the gears in his brain started to seize up. As little kawaii elephant heads danced in the air behind him, he frantically pointed to Minako's crotch while stuttering, "S-S-She-male!" Minako looked down at herself as if there was nothing wrong. "What? No, I've actually got both." That didn't exactly help ease Todd's hysteria. "Both?!" the terrified li'l SD author exclaimed. "Whaddaya mean 'both'? They're not like a washer/dryer combo set!" "But I'm Aino Minako, the soldier of love!" she stated proudly, striking a pose. "And how can I not love everyone if I don't have all the right equipment?" However Minako really didn't have time to justify herself (or help redeem this fic either), since by now Todd had thrown himself out the door, the broken shambles of his fragile mind left behind in his wake. * * * Now then, onto the erotically-charged sex scenes featuring all your favourite Senshi in all their favourite positions...or at least a reasonable facsimile thereof. But while this turkey of a lemon couldn't be written on recycled cocktail napkins like the last fic was, it was written on the next best thing: edible panties! Unfortunately, said edible panties were hungrily devoured by Usagi when she couldn't find anything else in the fridge during one of her midnight snack blitzes. So as a result, we're just making this up as we go along. Does it show? Sean: "Only because it's missing said panties. It's not shaved, either." Greenbeans: [bopping Sean] "HENTAI!!" Sean: ^^v "Hai, arigato gozaimasu!" Back to something that could resemble a plot, the usual bar attended by the Amazon Trio was oddly vacant tonight. It might have been because TigerEye, FishEye (also known as the Michelin Man in her--er, his off-days) and HawksEye had all been hauled away by the fashion police for gross violations of their code of conduct. Somewhere off in the back, the Amazoness Quartet were busy hustling other villainesses in strip-pool matches. Sailor Iron Mouse: "Argh! I can't believe I missed the Five ball!" VesVes: "You know the rules: you miss a shot, you lose an article of clothing." Sailor Iron Mouse: "But all I've got left is my underwear!" Amazoness Quartet: ^-^ "We know!" Sailor Iron Mouse: --;; [nekkid flashes for everyone!] "......" PallaPalla: "Oooh! And here PallaPalla thought that Iron Mouse had dyed her hair white! PallaPalla was wrong after all." Tin Nyanko: "I could have told you that." Regardless, the bar was open for His lordship Chaos to sit back and enjoy himself. Abruptly his cell phone rang, and being the dutiful author he answered it. "Wanda's Whip Emporium," he stated. "How can we hurt you?" Ami: [getting it on with Michiru!] "So, wazzup?" His lordship Chaos: "Nuthin' much. Watchin' some fanservice, havin' some Sake." Ami: "Hai. hai. Michiru's busy giving me a tutorial...Ooooh, Michiru-sama, right there! Teach me how to use my tongue like that!" His lordship Chaos: o.O; [listening in] "Just what kind of lesson is Michiru giving?" Cell phone: [incoming call!] *Beep Beep!* His lordship Chaos: "Yo, hold on. I got another call...Moshi moshi?" Beryl: [nekkid with Jadeite kissing her feet!] ^-^ "WAZZUP?!" His lordship Chaos: ^-^ "Wazzup?" Ami: ^-^ "Wazzup?" His lordship Chaos: :p "Aaaaaaaa!" Beryl: :p "Aaaaaaa!" Ami: "So where's Crossdresserite?" Beryl: "You mean Zoicite?" Cell phone: [incoming call!] *Beep Beep!* His lordship Chaos: "Hang on...'Sup?" Crossdresserite: ^-^ [in bed with Kunzite] "Wazzup?!" Kunzite: [sweatdropping as he peers beneath the covers] "What, you're a girl this time? Last night you were your usual shonen ai self. Zoi, I really wish you'd pick a gender and stick with it." [His lordship Chaos immediately cancels that call!] Beryl: "So, wazzup?" His lordship Chaos: "Nuthin' much. Watchin' some fanservice, havin' some Sake." Beryl: "Hai. hai." [Beryl abruptly pauses and smacks Jadeite on the head with her heel.] Beryl: "Hey, no ruining my toenail polish! Kiss around it." Jadeite: ;_; "The things I do to get free from that ice cube." His lordship Chaos: "Ne, Bondage Queen Beryl, could you hold on a minute; I need to check my watch." Suddenly the front doors the Dead Moon bar were kicked open, and in stormed a rather irate (and absurdly super-deformed) Todd. He glared across the bar at His lordship Chaos, pointing a threatening finger at the other author. But luckily it wasn't a loaded finger. "YOU!!!" His lordship Chaos didn't even look up from his wristwatch. "Oh, you're five seconds early for this scene. I was going to do some kind of narrative rant about how Minako is the Soldier of Love after all, and it's not the first time she's been depicted as a hermaphrodite to 'love' both--" "I got the idea," Todd grumbled, his eyebrow still twitching. "I got an unnecessarily graphic visual aide too. This is all your fault, I know it." His lordship Chaos gave Todd a most innocent and angelic look. "Now would I be so pervertedly evil and utterly devious as to do something like that to you?" He abruptly paused. "Actually, yes I would. In fact I did. MWAH HA HAH HAH HAH HA!!!" Todd grappled onto His lordship Chaos' collar. "But you did that to ME!!" His lordship Chaos: ^-^ "And if you had stayed a little longer, she would have spanked you with her Venus Love-Me Chain for being such a naughty little author." [Todd facevaults!] "You're going to pay for this, yes you are," Todd growled as he pulled himself off the floor. "I have a broadsword somewhere around here, and I am not afraid to go medieval on your otaku butt, and...and...and why is there a gerbil dressed in an Armani suit standing next to me?" Tamagoyaki: ^-^ [handing Todd some sheets of paper] "Two words for you, pal: contractual obligations. Read it and weep." A sweatdrop appeared next to Todd's head. "Who are you?" "Obligatory guest cameo," Tamagoyaki replied. "Not to mention I'm the frighteningly kawaii Magical Girl mascot who only lives to antagonize you." Todd turned to His lordship Chaos. "The gerbil's not serious, is he?" His lordship Chaos could only give Todd a helpless shrug. "You want to tempt fate and some disenchanted lawyers, go right ahead. But I do suggest you read the documents." Todd skimmed through the contract that Tamagoyaki had handed him. And promptly freaked. "What the hell is this?!" he exclaimed. "I didn't sign this! This is fake, I tell you!" "Bottom of page three," Tamagoyaki replied instantly, tapping his li'l hind paw with a large degree of impatience. Todd flipped to page three, and his jaw dropped. "Hey, this is a forgery! This signature is legible. Mine never is!" [Tamagoyaki snatches the document, scribbles unintelligibly on page three, and then hands it back to Todd!] Tamagoyaki: ^-^ "How's this?" [Todd facevaults yet again!] His lordship Chaos shook his head and then drank back another glass of warm Sake. "Authors are so fun to tease," he sighed wistfully. He glanced over his shoulder as he heard another pair of footsteps entering the bar. Sean Gaffney casually strolled through the front doors, wearing his trademark black fedora and a T-shirt that read: "Naughty tentacles attacked the nubile young girls in my 'private junior college' and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!" Meekly shuffling behind him, resigned to her fate, was Greenbeans. She paused momentarily to give a dignified air about herself...before hastily wiping off some leftover whipped cream from her sleeve. "Hey, you managed to rope her in after all," His lordship Chaos said to Sean, visibly impressed. "And in under three pages too. Not bad." "You just need to have a way with words," Sean replied. "I'm such a cunning linguist that no one can escape my indecent proposals." He glanced down at Todd, who was still doing a great impression of some breed of ostrich youma with his head in the floor. "How'd you get this guy?" His lordship Chaos smiled and demurred, "I have my methods." "You sent him the hermie Minako, didn't you?" "Hey, it was either her or Haruka. Uranus being a gender ambiguous planet in Japanese astrology and all, it wouldn't be the first time she's been portrayed as a hermaphrodite either." Greenbeans immediately seized Chaos by the collar and glared at him. "And I will flay you if you try it with her." Todd pulled his face out from the small crater in the floor, tenderly rubbing his sore nose. "I don't care what Minako said, but having both sets of equipment doesn't mean it makes for the *right* equipment." "Should I mail her a 'Good Vibrations' catalog?" Sean inquired. "Don't you dare!" Greenbeans stated in no uncertain terms as she switched authors and hauled Sean up by his T-shirt. Sean put his hands up in surrender and agreed, "Hai hai. She and Haruka already have that two-way strap-on." "WHAT?!" "See, this is what happens when you don't pay attention to the hentai content in your scenes, Beanie-chan." His lordship Chaos coughed loudly and called the other three authors over to a private table. Todd, Greenbeans and Sean all took a seat for themselves--and momentarily gawked as JunJun jumped Eudial right there at the pool table. "Red and green?" Greenbeans mused. "There's an ecchi Christmas-themed pairing if I ever saw one." "I can only hope JunJun isn't playing both fields like Minako was," Todd said. Without even looking, Sean and Greenbeans both cuffed him upside the back of the head. His lordship Chaos merely shrugged indifferently. "You know how it goes: all female SM villains are lesbians when it comes to lemon plot devices. The Amazoness Quartet are into orgies; same with the Witches 5." Todd: "Don't forget the Animates. There's always innuendo about the pairing of Lead Crow and Aluminum Siding." Greenbeans: "Siren." Todd: "Whatever." "So just what are we here for?" Greenbeans asked, her eyebrow twitching as she saw the pool cues being given all new (if not unnatural) uses. 9-Ball Dreams, anyone? "I'm impressed you haven't gone into total catatonia by now," Todd remarked. Sean shrugged. "She's still got the adrenaline kicking in her system from that whipped cream session with Quistis. The shock will probably hit her around part two." His lordship Chaos settled back into his chair. "Now then, your fanfic, should you choose to accept co-authoring it...actually, you have no choice," he corrected himself. "We'll just rip out your pure heart if you refuse to help." Everyone stared blankly at him. "Er, maybe not your pure heart," he corrected himself yet again, "After all, your mission is to help me co-write a lemon parody. And since when have authors ever had pure hearts when lemons were involved?" He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Okay, so we'll rip out your starseed or something." Sean: "I think I sold mine for some Pogs." Todd: [with a dustpan] "I broke mine about a month ago, but I saved all the crystal dust in this dustpan! Nobody sneeze." Beans: ^^ [squeals happily] "My starSeeD?" His lordship Chaos: "Anoooo..Sailormoon, not Final Fantasy VIII." Chaos groaned and massaged his temples. "Spoofing a Sailormoon lemon for a second time is the easy part. Finding decent authors to take the blame for this turkey, now there's the challenge." Mamoru: ^-^ "I've got a hard part in this too!" His lordship Chaos: [pulling out a revolver] "If it has anything to do with what's in your pants, I'm feeding you to the tap-dancing tentacle monsters from the disclaimer again!" Todd: [hanging Chaos a Beam Cannon] "Here. There's a larger kill zone with this baby. Makes him harder to miss." His lordship Chaos: ^-^ "I like, I like!" "That's the second biggest cannon I've ever seen," Sean quipped. "This is odd," Greenbeans remarked, thumbing over in Sean's direction. "He's not quite the married, toned-down...getting some regularly Sean we see in 'Made of Stone.'" His lordship Chaos waved that aside. "Oh, that's because he's the real-life author Sean. Just as lovable as the avatar, and five times more perverted." Greenbeans: o.O;; Sean: ^-^ "Be afraid. Be VERY afraid." A very nervous Greenbeans looked over to where Sean was currently "judging the angle" of the next pool shot. "And this is a good thing?!" Todd remained skeptical about the entire proposal. "What about the crew who helped you with the first 'Pretty Fly' fic?" His lordship Chaos sighed and shook his head. "Can you believe it?" he said. "After all their help, they got tarred and feathered as Sailormoon heretics for it." "And yet you escaped?" Greenbeans inquired darkly. "I made sure they were more prolific in the fic than me for that exact reason: the lynch mob completely forgot about my involvement!" His lordship Chaos stated, beaming proudly as he flashed them the V-sign. Hey, at least he didn't flash them anything else. "And what would make me want to join you in a sequel in light of that?" Todd said. His lordship Chaos' grin curled into a vicious smile. "Do you want everyone on the ASMR to know about that self-gratuitous scene Minako had with you?" Todd: [sweatdrop] "But she was a hermaphrodite in...(o.O;;) You wouldn't dare release that scene!" His lordship Chaos: ^-^ "Oh, I dare! I dare!" With a diabolical laugh, His lordship Chaos took another drink of Sake. "You see, I'm the financier of this little venture," he explained. "I'm the Iron Chef to you three little Cheflettes. I am the Professor Tomoe to your Witches 5." Todd: "I call Eudial!" Sean: "I'll be Cyprine!" Greenbeans: [pouting] "Hey! That means I have to be bubblehead Mimete." His lordship Chaos gestured to the authors, one at a time. "We need Greenbeans here as a draw to sucker people into reading this. In seeing her name on the list of contributing authors, otaku are bound to scramble to read the story. And all too quickly they'll realize that it was a trap. Yet they won't be able to escape and they'll be doomed to read this fic to its conclusion! Doomed, I tell you! Mwah ha ha hah ha hah ha ha ha HA HA HAH HA HA HAH HA HAH!!!" Todd: [aside to Greenbeans] "He frightens me sometimes." Greenbeans: "Just sometimes?" Todd: "Okay, 24-7." Chaos finished with his megalomaniacal cackling and then pointed to Sean. "This man will be able to contribute what every good SM lemon needs." "What? More graphic and badly scripted sex?" Greenbeans retorted. Chaos facevaulted right into the tabletop, but quickly recovered and gave a triumphant laugh. "I meant to do that. But actually, we get to pump Sean here for more SM hentai ideas." "I'd like to vote that Amanda here be the only one who pumps me," Sean suggested with a smile. Greenbeans punched him in the shoulder for that remark. "Vetoed!" "So what am I?" Todd asked with a hopefully optimistic smile. His lordship Chaos solemnly answered, "You, Todd, have the most important role of our group: cannon fodder." Todd wasn't too impressed. "WHAT?" he demanded. "When it looks like our fic might be under siege by hordes of angry Sailormoon otaku lobbing flamemail in our direction," His lordship Chaos happily explained. "We'll need you to serve as a human shield...or we'll just stuff you into a Beam Cannon and have you destroy our enemies before they can prove just how ridiculous our lemonfic is." Todd still wasn't too impressed. "I've been traumatized enough as it is, thanks to that Minako scene! I don't need you to help deepen my psychosis." "Crybaby," His lordship Chaos stated, sticking out his tongue at Todd in a most gentlemanly manner. "You weren't in the obligatory disclaimer bit, where we had Mamoru and Elios fighting over the nekkid Yamhead." "I still argue they should have played wishbone with her legs when they had the chance," Sean said. Greenbeans sighed and massaged the bridge of her nose. "You got any more of that Sake? I don't think I can take this fic sober. And what kind of a Sailormoon lemon is this, anyways?" "Sunkist?" Sean ventured innocently enough. He was instantly clobbered by the Doom Tree, which crashed through the ceiling for no apparent reason. Moments later, the alien twins Ail and Ann stepped out. Ann was fuming about how Fiore had once again ditched her for dating "that Mamo-kun bastard!", while Ail took an immediate liking to the nearby pool tournament. "Do I get to fight for Love and Justice in this fic?" Greenbeans asked. His lordship Chaos shook his head. "There's rarely Love in a bad lemon." "And certainly no Justice," Todd added. With a sigh, Greenbeans pulled out Haruka's Space Sword and unsheathed the blade. "Oh, then I'll just fight." "Thus spake the bean," warbled Sean's voice from beneath the root system. Greenbeans gawked. "Why do I have to get spanked?" she protested. His lordship Chaos rolled his eyes. "'Spake' not 'spank', Amanda. It would appear your Freudian slip is showing." After seeing her facevault in embarrassment, he leaned over to Doom Tree. "Her assimilation is progressing faster than expected. Not bad." "Domo," a still flattened and twitching li'l Sean quipped. "So what do we do now?" Todd asked, turning to His lordship Chaos. Chaos immediately pulled out a briefcase from beneath his chair and set it on the table. "Now we have to do some research on Sailormoon hentai," he stated, opening the lid up. "I want this to be the uberlemon to top all uberlemons. And that means we have to understand every SM cliche in the book." Todd: [raising his hand] "Can we have hands-on training sessions with the Senshi...so long as they're restricted to having only one set of genitalia?" Sean: "You really are paranoid about that, aren't you?" Todd: [irate li'l SD author mode] "You weren't there, buddy!" Greenbeans: [raising her hand] "Dibs on a scene with Haruka." Todd, Sean & Chaos: [slowly turning to her] "......" Greenbeans: [blush!] "My interest in her is purely professional." "Anyhoo," His lordship Chaos continued. He reached into the open briefcase and began to pull out small dossiers, handing one to each author. "Here are your assignments. In theory these should make you some of the most knowledgeable Sailormoon hentai writers once you're done. After you complete your tasks, report back to me...and then we shall begin work on the ultimate lemon. If you have any bizarre and deranged ideas, don't hesitate to toss them this way." Sean immediately put up his hand and voiced a suggestion. "To show how much she cares for Usagi, Rei kills Mamoru and has him stuffed, complete with erection so he's useful. She then skins Minako and uses the skin to line her bed, for especial softness. This leads to problems." Makoto: "Minako-chan...may I?" Minako: "Alright, but be careful. I still sting a bit." Makoto: "Sorry, human body models just turn me on so much." Authors: o.O;; [twitch twitch!] Sean: "What? Too Jewish?" His lordship Chaos: "Perhaps I shouldn't have let you join the team. So then, let the wanton fanservice begin!" [Cue the eyecatch!] Todd: "Since when is an eyecatch perverted?" His lordship Chaos: ^^v "Since it features this!" [We abruptly cut to a Galaxy TV logo, followed by a news studio. Sailor Aluminum Siding--er, Siren, is seated on one of the chairs behind the newsdesk, calmly eating a cookie.] Sailor Lead Crow: [running to her own chair behind the desk] "We interrupt this lemon with a Senshi nekkid flash!" Sailor Aluminum Siren: "Crystal Tokyo citizens are starting an awareness campaign about the year 10,000 bug. Today's computers are not equipped to handle this 5-digit date and if future computers are built using this calendar, then on December 31, 9999, there is little doubt that many systems will crash. More details to follow as the centuries pass." Sailor Lead Crow: [eyebrow twitch!] "What does that have to do with the lemon?" Sailor Aluminum Siren: "Well I thought it would add character depth. You seem to be blissfully ignoring this Y10K problem, I might add, Crow-chan." Sailor Lead Crow: --;; "Stop calling me Crow-chan! Do you realize that story is based entirely on innuendo? There's no evidence that we'd be still using the same computers seven thousand years from now, let alone still be on the earth!" Sailor Aluminum Siren: "Well I...sometimes there's truth in innuendo...oh, as if you've never done a story completely on hearsay, Crow-chan?" Sailor Lead Crow: [shaking her head] "All I wanted was a normal co-anchor. Was that too hard of a request to make?" Sailor Aluminum Siren: ^-^ "Would you like some lunch? I made it myself." Sailor Lead Crow: [irate li'l evil Animate] "NO!" [Lead Crow's eyebrow develops a nasty twitch as she shuffles her papers around on her desk and tries to refrain from killing her co-anchor.] Sailor Lead Crow: [calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean....] "Today's real top story: the future world of Crystal Tokyo was shocked today when it was revealed that Neo Queen Serenity and Sailor Mars were having a secret lovers' tryst! Apparently their affair had been going on for centuries...and no one really noticed until now. So what does this mean for King Endymion?" Sailor Aluminum Siren: "He has a threesome with them?" Sailor Lead Crow: [twitch!] "That was a rhetorical question, you half-wit." Sailor Aluminum Siren: "Well, it's either that or he becomes breeding stock to make sure Chibiusa is conceived." Sailor Lead Crow: x.x "Gyaaaaa!" [As Sailor Lead Crow starts banging her head on the newsdesk, Sailor Aluminum Siren gives her a consoling pat on the shoulder.] Sailor Aluminum Siren: "There there, Crow-chan, a nice soak in Tin Nyanko's milkbath will help loosen you up. In the meantime, we tried to reach Endymion for his comments about this royal affair, but it appears that he's been spending this past week somewhere around the Time Gate with Sailor Pluto. Let's go live now to our Crystal Tokyo correspondent, Sailor Iron Mouse!" [The camera suddenly cuts to a scene to outdoors. Pink sakura blossoms drift down through the air as two star-crossed lovers meet to make their confession of love.] FishEye: [shyly] "A-Ano...." Motoki: [but dubbies call him Andrew!] "What is it?" FishEye: "I...um...I've just realized that...." Motoki: "Yes?" FishEye: [melodramatic delivery] "I LOVE YOU!!!" Motoki: o.O;; "You love me? Wait...I just realized I love you too." Reika: [or Rita. Whoever.] "Ano...what about me?" Motoki: "Scram woman, you bother me." FishEye: "Motoki-chan, now that we've got that out of the way, let's screw our brains out!" Motoki: "Cue the yaoi scene!" [We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by....] Sailor Lead Crow: o.O;; "I don't think that was Iron Mouse." Sailor Aluminum Siren: "Should I have given that cross-dresser my business card then?" Sailor Lead Crow: --;; "When you were a kid, you let your mind wander and it didn't come back, did it?" Sailor Aluminum Siren: [scowling] "Crow-chan, I don't like that tone of voice you have. It seems like I'll have to teach you to be more respectful to your friends." [Sailor Aluminum stands up and tears off her sky blue Animate uniform...only to reveal a black leather bodysuit underneath!] Sailor Lead Crow: o.O;; S&M Aluminum Siren: ^-^ "Looks like I'll have to spank you for being such a naughty little Animate, Crow-chan." Sailor Lead Crow: "But Siren, it's Friday night. We both know *I* get to dress up in the leather on Friday nights!" S&M Aluminum Siren: "I'm changing the schedule, Crow-chan! Now call me The Queen!" OBLIGATORY AUTHOR'S NOTE SEGMENT Sean Gaffney: Despite various little setbacks along the way, this has been a fun fic to write. And of course more evil sex will follow. Much more! Think you've seen perversions? You haven't seen perversions. Usagi/Rei lesbian lemons? A mere bag o' shells compared to what we'll do. We leave no senshi unturned! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! --SG gaffney@iconn.net Todd Foster: [We open to a psychiatrist's office. Todd is laying on the plush couch with his head in his hands, while the shrink sits in an adjacent chair.] Shrink: "So, just vat vas eet like seeing vat you did in zees fic?" Todd: [groan!] "It was the most horrible thing! I mean it was Minako, but...but she was a freak! It's not like 'you buy one, you get one free.' They're NOT supposed to be a combo set!" Shrink: "Vat's not supposed to be a combo set?" Todd: [on the verge of going nuts, but some say he's already there] "You know! Those things! She has both! And she's not supposed to!" Shrink: "I see." Todd: [right in the shrink's face] "No, you don't--and that's a good thing! Trust me on that one!" Shrink: "So...vat did you find enjoyable vile verking on zees fic?" Todd: [instantly perking up..and drooling] "Nekkid Senshi! Howitzers! Nekkid Senshi! Daimon Jello! And did I say nekkid Senshi?! By the way, who stole my double-handed sword and replaced it with a wiffle bat?" His lordship Chaos: [somewhere in the audience] "It must have been someone other than Chaos!" Sean: [munching on popcorn] "Subtlety just isn't your strong point, is it?" Chaos: "Hey, quit hogging all the popcorn!" Greenbeans: [taking the huge tub of popcorn and stuffing it over Chaos' head] "There. Happy now?" Chaos: [munching on popcorn from under the huge tub] "Hey, this isn't buttered!" Shrink: [blatantly ignoring the other authors] "I voodn't know about your viffulbat. And vat vas your favoreet scene?" Todd: [striking a pose and singing!] "Boff a Senshi! Boff a Senshi!" Shrink: "Um...okay. Do you feel zat talking about zees is helping you resolve your problems?' Todd: o.O; "KYAAAAAAAAAA!" [Todd promptly runs and jumps out the 32nd story window!] Shrink: [staring in astonishment] "Vat made him do zat?" Minako: [in her nurse's uniform!] "Oh, Mister Shrink. Care to play some games?" Shrink: o.O "Say vat?" Minako: [ripping off her uniform] "Let me satisfy you!" Shrink: >.< "And just how are you supposed to satisfy me vith zat? I'm heterosexueel." Minako: "What? I have both sets of equipment. See?" Shrink: [following Todd out the window!] "VAIT FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Minako: "Why do all the cute guys do that when they see me?" [Minako abruptly turns to all the readers.] Minako: "Any of you know?" [Silence....] Minako: --;; "Hey, anyone there? Moshi moshi? Don't tell me you readers have all thrown yourselves out the nearest window too." -Todd Foster tnf927@hotmail.com