Author's Comments:
Written for turningleft at the 2009 HP Summersmut Fic/Art Exchange.
This started off very innocently. I had this plot bunny about a year ago and thought, “Ooh, that sounds cool, but I’ll probably never have the time or desire to actually write it,” and promptly filed it away to the dusty recesses of my mind. Then I signed up for HP Summersmut, read turningleft’s requests, and was assaulted by a harmless bunny turned mad, raving, and possibly murderous. I hid from it for about two months, praying it would go away. It did not. So this gargantuan plotty mess was written at lightning speed, with my parents occasionally poking their heads into my room at the sound of my hysterical laughter to see if I was cracking up. I was, but they understood there was a deadline. So thank you to turningleft for her requests that caused me to unleash this upon the world, thanks to Shannon for editing it and reassuring me that no, there are no plot bunny-monsters in my closest, and to thescarletwoman for enabling me by running this lovely fest.
Warnings: Gore, violence, multiple major character deaths, eventual bloodplay and breathplay.
The first scene in this story is taken directly from the U.S. version of Order of the Phoenix and several other lines and bits of dialogue are taken from Half-Blood Prince, but this is purely for artistic purposes. The song in part four is "Bright Eyes" by Simon and Garfunkel.
Also, yes, this fic is complete, but I want to split it up into parts (because holy god, it is so long), and I want to punch it up a bit. Rather than overexert myself, I'll be posting about once a week.