.moon by night

General Library: Amber Linings by Ravyn

Fandom:Rurouni Kenshin
Rating:NC17 Created:2007-09-30
Genre:Dark Updated:2007-11-12
Style:Science Fiction Status:Incomplete
Setting:Alternate Universe

This story contains adult material. If you are not of legal age, leave this page now.

Chapter One (HTML)
Chapter Two (HTML)
Chapter Three (HTML)
Chapter Four (HTML)
Chapter Five (HTML)
Chapter Six (HTML)
Chapter Seven (HTML)
Chapter Eight (HTML)
Chapter Nine (HTML)
Chapter Ten (HTML)
Chapter Eleven (HTML)
Chapter Twelve (HTML)
Chapter Thirteen (HTML)


Kamiya Kaoru finds herself trapped in a war between the mortal and immortal, a war for greed, power, lust and control. Trapped by a fanged amber eyed man who has not only claimed her, but dominance over her soul, her body and possibly her heart. Darkfic.

Author's Comments:

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 Reviews: 10
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Review by Acc2787 2010-03-08

I love this fic. Please continue to write it! It is one of my favorites. i just can't wait to see what happens next.
Review by SRAS9 2009-11-28

Please update! Please! This is so good! Please!
Review by hikari101 2009-07-21

please update soon! i love your stories! :)

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