
Unspoken Oblivion by Jaded Catalyst

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Broderick didn’t care where he was going or where his legs were taking him. Running from the palace into the crowded streets of the city, Broderick found himself shoving past dozens of Elzians. However, he did not register the many curses thrown his way. His mind was elsewhere as his memories resurfaced – memories that he had so desperately tried to put behind him.
The elder king’s death was sudden and unexpected, forcing his oldest son to take up his position.
 Emrick was quite young for a king, but with his brother as his chief advisor, he knew that his father’s legacy would live on. Mourning for the deceased king was cut short by the hype to find the young king a queen. Although many nobles offered their daughters’ hands in marriage, council chose a woman who they felt would benefit the kingdom the most.
Broderick remembered the day he was called into the king’s chamber. A rift had grown between the two brothers as their duties kept them apart.
 “Broderick!” the king cried joyously. “I would like you to meet Lady Jaden Owens, our governess of foreign affairs. She had spent the past year in Polaris but has recently returned.”
He bowed before the governess, showing his respect. However, he could not help but be captivated by her nearly silver eyes. “I am Lord Broderick,” he began, gazing at her with his solid brown eyes, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Jayden.”
Emrick smiled with pride. “In a few weeks, we will be married.”
In his haste, Broderick shoved past an Elzian carrying a large sharp object, leaving him a shallow cut under his left eye. The sting of the wound would not be noticed until much later. His mind was still in the past, remembering how foolish he was to believe that his friendship with his brother’s fiancée would have no ill effects.
Gaia’s annual ball was supposed to be the biggest one of all. Not only had a new king been appointed, but he was also engaged. However, life for the young king was not easy. Having to pick up where his father left off, he was unable to attend the celebration. Broderick made a speech in place of his brother, which was little more than an apology for his absence. He was supposed to have the honor of sitting beside King Emrick that night, but was instead graced with the presence of an empty seat. On the other side of the chair was Jayden Owens. A beautifully crafted seat and a wall of silence sat between the two.
Because the king was not there to dance with his bride-to-be, the first dance was open to all. Couples flocked the dance floor as the band played and the merriment began.
Merriment, in Broderick’s case, was sitting off to the side and pouring himself a few drinks. As he watched couples waltz by, he realized he was not alone.
 “You don’t dance, Lord Broderick?” Jayden asked.
 “I don’t dance alone,” he responded, putting down his drink. It was only his second glass and already he began to feel its intoxicating effects.
She let out a laugh that rang through his head link a bell. Broderick mentally scolded himself for the simple thought. Of course, they had become close friends, but she was going to marry his brother in four weeks.
 “Why are you not on the dance floor, my lady?”
 “For the same reason as you. Please call me Jay, and let’s forget the formalities. They are harsh on the tongue.”
 “Fine with me.” He could not help but stare at her, but tried to convince himself that it was simply the effects of the alcohol. “In place of my brother, may I have this dance?”
Jay flashed a smile, one that Broderick would come to miss when the chaos began. However, neither of them knew what would soon become of their bond. “Yes, but not in place of your brother. Let us dance, Broderick, as friends.”
She took his hand and led him to the dance floor as he let his intoxication. It wasn’t until later that he realized that his drink had no alcohol – only cider.
Broderick suddenly found himself on the ground, the breath knocked from his lungs. Before he had a chance to stand, a passing Elzian unintentionally crushed Broderick’s left wrist beneath his foot. A dull crack would later lead Broderick to think that it was broken, but as with the cut, the severity of the injury did not register in his mind.
It had been two and a half years since Broderick resigned from his position and left the kingdom. Strange and wondrous things had happened to him since then, but he could not forget the life he had run from. Emrick’s wedding day had passed, and Broderick had deafened his ears to the details. He kept himself as ignorant as possible, and yet rumors of the king’s son had still reached him; he pretended not to care.
Somehow, however, she found him. Their reunion was far from ideal, and the sparks began to fly. She, too, had gone through changes. Broderick did not know that soon after he left, so did Jay’s wondrous smile.
 “You have been gone for too long, Broderick! You are needed once again.”
Broderick scoffed and turned his back on her, something he never thought he would do.” The world has little need for a coward like me.”
 “Then why don’t you stop running? It is time to follow the path laid out for you.”
He sighed, dropping his head. “So you’ve seen it, too. You hear the voices. You know the threat.”
 “You are not the only one who left the kingdom just in time to realize that the true chaos had yet to begin.”
He turned in surprise. “What?”
 “I didn’t marry him,” she said softly. However, her somber mood was quickly replaced by a strong resolve. “We have no choice. Cowards or not, Gaia needs us. You cannot run anymore, Broderick.”
 “Me? What about you? I don’t see you facing up to the reason you fled the palace.”
 “I am facing the reason I left the palace.”
The statement only increased the tension. A slight breeze swirled about them as silver streaked eyes met Jay’s intense grey gaze.
 “And so am I.”
Broderick finally slowed to a stop, only now realizing the condition he was in. Various cuts and bruises littered his body. A deep cut under his eye and shattered wrist were the worst of his injuries, but his physical condition was not his top priority at the moment. Even in the dark of night, Broderick could see clearly. Everyone was gone. Everything was gone.
Except for one. He glared at her, knowing she could see him as well as he could see her. Both of them fools, having for so long been cold to the world around them, but the tension was like a fire.
They had taken so many chances, but never before had they felt more in danger.
Words. A four-letter word. A three-word sentence. It was not profane, but it was a curse nonetheless.
They had taken so many chances, and they were about to be given the opportunity for one more.
He looked at her, eyes burning. His mahogany-haired angel, who had stolen everything from him by rescuing his humanity.
He had taken so many chances, but was he ready to take another?

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