
Vignette Collection: All or Nothing by mrsmcclnt

Fandom:Harry Potter Rating:PG
Created:2008-09-23 Modified:2008-09-23
Summary:A funny tale on how Sirius Black got his bike
All or Nothing

“Are you in?” he asked in a raspy voice. He could barely get the words out from all the smoke in the room.

“I’m dun,” Hagrid said as he threw his cards on top of the pile.

“And you?”

James Potter looked nervously at his hand, “Me too. I’m out.”

“Bloody hell, Prongs! You know, your not the same betting man that you use to be. Married life has taken the nerve out of you,” Sirius said as he slapped his friend across the back.

“Well, it’s more like married life has taken the purse strings from me. I’ll never hear the end of it from Lily if I bet too much. Especially with the baby on the way.” The group of men grumbled in agreement as they choked down their Fire Whisky.

Sirius looked over to the last man at the table. He was a young chap from America who was just visiting. A cunning grin slid across his face, “So, are you in?” The man patted himself down trying to scrounge up some change. “Well, it looks like your folding too. Guess I take the pot again!”

“Hold on,” said that man as he stopped Sirius' hand from swiping the pile of money, “let’s make it all or nothing.”

“Damn, fool! THIS IS ALL OR NOTHING! I have all your money while you have NOTHING!!” The bar erupted in laughter as Sirius tries to gather his winnings again.

“Not everything,” the man dropped his keys onto the pile.

“What? What is this, your wand?” More laughter flooded the room as Sirius tried to hex Hagrid with the thing.

“No, it’s the keys to my bike,” said the young man, looking rather flushed in the face.

“Your bike? Are you betting me your paper route, boy?” Sirius laughed so hard that he almost fell out of his seat. The man laughed somewhat too, but he quickly got back to business.

“No, Sir. This is to my motorcycle. I bet you my motorcycle against your hand.”

The mood quickly changed as everyone got quiet, possibly because no one knew what a motorcycle was. “And what would I want with that Muggle contraption,” Sirius asked somberly.

“It can fly,” said the man as he tried to swallow down more Whisky.

“Well,” Sirius said with a raised eyebrow as he peeked at the full house in his hand, “I say you’re in then.”

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